Listing in an Award as a Winner Tell a friend

The International Architecture

Participating in one of the award programs of The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies always starts a whole range of PR and marketing measures.
Labelling projects or products with an award as the Good Design, Green Good Design, International Architecture Award, European Prize etc. give the possibility to companies to use this distinction to create more attention around their name in the global market.

By submiting your work and receiving an Award you actually prove your design excellency while becoming a member of a great community of professional designers, companies and talented people around the world who share the same ideas and dreams about design.

All awarded projects are listed every year online which receives at least 30.000 visits per month.

The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies
28 Butlers Court
Sir Rogerson's Quay
Dubln 2, Ireland
TEX/FAX: +353/(0)1-670 8781