The European Art and Design Award Archive Tell a friend
Leco Citius TM LC-HRT High Resolution TOFMS - 2011
Designers: Bill Cesaroni and Morad Ghassemian, Cesaroni Design Associates, Glenview, Illinois, USA and Michael Mason and Tim Judkins, Leco Corporation
Merck Millipore Muse Cell Analyzer - 2011
Designers: Dan Harden and Kyle Buzzard, Whipsaw, Inc.
Maquet Cardiosave Intra Aortic Balloon Pump/ 2008-2011
Designers: Nicholas Barker, Aidan Hyde, and John Judy, MAQUET Visual Idenlity Group, MAQUET Cardiovascular LLC., Mahwah
Durr Dental VistaScan Mini Plus Image Plate Scanner - 2010
Designers: Scala Design and Technische Producktentwicklung GmbH Boblingen, Germany
Hamilton T1 Ventilator/ 2011-2012
Designers: RKS Design Team, RKS
Owl Biomedical Nanosorter/ 2011-2012
Designers: Bill Cesaroni and Morad Ghassemian, Cesaroni Design Associates, Glenview, Illinois, USA and Daryl Grummit, Owl Biomedical, Inc.
Advanced Bionics NeptuneTM Sound Processor - 2011
Designers: Bryan Cabatic, Cameron Smith, Adam Weisgerber, and Adam Smith, Product Creation Studio
Ion ProtonTM Sequencer, 2011
Designers: RKS Design Team, RKS
Lixisenatide Disposable Injector for GLP-1 Diabetes Therapy/ 2007-2012
Designers: DCA Design IntemationaI LTD.
Vessix Vascular V2 Renal Denervation SystemTM - 2011
Designers: Stuart Karten, Eric Schmid, Dennis Schroeder, Eric Olson, Eric Schmid, Chris Clark, Jonathan Abarbanel, Cynthia Kossayan and Erin Williams, Stuart Karten Design