The Award Publications Tell a friend

The Good Design Yearbook
A great collection of innovating award-winning projects
Every year a major publication is being presented with all the award - winning projects for Good Design Awards. The yearbook is available to order in different places around the world. Winning a Good Design Award you automatically take a place in this yearbook. These publications consist the greatest reference in terms of design evolution throughout the years based on the Good Design project classification. Businesses, designers, authors, publication companies and opinion leaders refer to these yearbooks not only as an archive for design but also as a dynamic search tool for academic and history science purposes. The book is easy to read through and it is structured by type. All interested parties can purchase it online.
• You can see all the previous along with year's publication at our Museum Store
• For more information about the Good Design Yearbooks please contact us:
All the selected award-winning projects in global architecture
The International Architecture Awards are the largest and most extensive global architecture awards program in the world, honoring new skyscrapers, commercial buildings, urban plans, private residences, and real estate projects that achieve a high standard of excellence in design, construction, planning, and sustainability and promote the best practice in all types of real estate development for the private and public sectors, including new skyscrapers, high rises, corporate and institutional buildings, commercial projects, bridges, airports, city planning, restorations and adaptive reuse, community projects, religious and civic buildings, and interiors. Every year a major publication is being presented with all the award - winning projects. The yearbook is available to order in different places around the world. These publications consist the greatest reference in terms of architecture design evolution. The book is easy to read through and it is structured by type. All interested parties can purchase it online.
• You can see all the previous along with year's publication at our Museum Store
• For more information about the Good Design Yearbooks please contact us:
Due to the variety of programs organised each year by by The European Centre and The Chicago Athenaeum Museum, please visit the official website of Metropolitan Arts Press for more info on available publications. Fields of interest include:graphic design, architecture design and poetry.
The European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies
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